NZ Stock Photos

Rights Managed Stock Photo Library


est New Zealand,stock photo library of high quality nature and landscape images illustrating the essence of New Zealand - suitable for commercial editorial illustrative

Our Clean Green Images Rights Managed Stock Photo Image Library holds a broad selection of over 100,000 original high quality images of New Zealand Landscapes, Scenery, Forests, Rivers, Lakes, Mountains, Roads, Beaches, Skies, Fauna, Flora, Wild and Natural Places, Agriculture, Textures, New Zealand People, their activities and cultural endeavours. In summary our library is simply about "The Essence of New Zealand". The Material on this website is a very superficial taste of some of that material.
All Digital files are sharp High Resolution at around 50 - 60 Mb of pixels (at 8 bits per channel)
Most of the older original images are 120 film format in sizes ranging from panoramic 6x12cm (predominantly), 6x9cm & 6x7cm. Several thousand 35mm and some 4x5 inch trannies are also held.We also have a rapidly expanding collection of stunning stitched panoramas with extremely large pixel dimensions - this makes them suitable for extensive enlargements, murals billboards decor art etc.

We have in house a state of the art Imacon virtual drum scanner. This produces exquisite scans of the transparencies. Customized Colour Space profiling services are available

For clients wanting to purchase art prints and murals, high quality proof prints can be supplied.

Please contact us regarding any special requirements you may have. We are very flexible and eager to help you. We now also have rapidly expanding searchable galleries with new images being added regularly.

If you are unable to find what you are looking for, dont hesitate to Contact Us about your requirements and we will do our very best to help you.

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